Daily Dark Knight: LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes First Impressions Rob Hull June 20, 2012 30 days to the Dark Knight Rises. A daily series begins here, with first impression of Lego Batman 2 Continue Reading
E3 2012: Nintendo Pre-E3 Video Rob Hull June 4, 2012 E3 begins here with a pre-E3 video about the Wii U Continue Reading
THQ Announces WWE ’13 and unveils cover: New Trailer, Game Features to be announced tomorrow Rob Hull May 28, 2012 As E3 nears, THQ takes the wraps off of WWE '13. The cover and the release date have been announced. Continue Reading
Marvel Unveils ASTONISHING X-MEN #51 CREATE YOUR OWN WEDDING VARIANT! Rob Hull May 23, 2012 This June, get ready for the wedding of the year with the Astonishing X-Men #51 Create Your Own Wedding Variant! Designed and drawn by fan favorite artist Phil Noto, fans have the chance to frame their own wedding portraits amongst the memorable… Continue Reading
DST’s Marvel Minimates Fan Poll Lets You Decide Who’s in Series 50! Rob Hull May 23, 2012 Choose what minimates will be in Series 50 Continue Reading
Square Enix | KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] | New Screenshots Available Rob Hull May 23, 2012 Screenshots from the newest Kingdom Hearts game, coming this Summer for 3DS Continue Reading