Rebirth’s big event book barrels towards its conclusion this week and Scott Snyder wraps up his first All Star arc. Lots of stuff this week, so check it out! Justice League vs. Suicide Squad 5 Batman 15
It’s the post-Yule edition of our comics reviews, and boy, are there a lot of books hitting the shelves this week. Hopefully you have some time off to actually get around to reading all the stuff that’s out there. We’ve got a…
T’was the Wednesday before Christmas, and all through the house are comic books, strewn about, from Justice League to Klaus. Here’s what we thought of some of this week’s titles. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad (1 of 6) Batman 13
Another week, another batch of new comics. The biggest book is the prelude to DC’s forthcoming Justice League event, but there’s lots more to talk about, including the first Holiday Special in Rebirth history! Check out what we thought of some of…
Annnnd somehow it’s December. Already. No, really. Last night I strung up some lights on my tree and everything. There may even be some nog in the house, of the egg variety. Anyway, since last week was a big ol’ skip week in…