Ah, they grow up so fast. Why, it seems like only yesterday, we were first hearing the rumblings of a massive event to follow the New 52 in DC Comics, which was to be called Rebirth. Now, here we are a year…
Yikes. I’ve been away for a little while, but no need to fear–I’m back, and I’m bringing a big, honkin’ review with me! Actually, Rob and I kick off this week’s reviews with a tag-team review of the recently completed Batman/Flash crossover,…
New number ones from DC dominate the week in comics, but a one-off Superman story wins my vote for best single issue of 2017 (so far!). Here’s what we thought of some of this week’s books. Superman 17 Super Sons 1 The…
T’was the Wednesday before Christmas, and all through the house are comic books, strewn about, from Justice League to Klaus. Here’s what we thought of some of this week’s titles. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad (1 of 6) Batman 13
Annnnd somehow it’s December. Already. No, really. Last night I strung up some lights on my tree and everything. There may even be some nog in the house, of the egg variety. Anyway, since last week was a big ol’ skip week in…